HR insights – english


Have adapted CV to make it more attractive for the employers

Nathalie, Strasbourg, France

Due to some personal reasons I made a decision to start looking for a job in Switserland. The salary expectations are higher than in France, as well as the amount of English speaking jobs availiable there. There is even no need to relocate, as the distance makes the commuting a possible option and recently there have been more opportunities for (partially) remote jobs.


Nathalie took online course and 2 career coaching sessions.

Point А

I was sure there´s something wrong with my cv, that it didn´t “sell” me – nobody noticed me nor appreciated my experience and motivation. I did not receive any response even if I applied on the actual vacancies.

My cvs posted on the sites or talent banks of multinationals were totally ignored either. I started to lose hope. However, the individual search for vacancies, online applications and submitting my cv on the sites of the recruiting agencies did not work. After some useless attempts I understood I needed a local insight: what was I doing wrong and what did I need to do it right.


Following Munisa´s recommendations I have adapted my cv to make it more attractive for the employers and to pass the filters of search engines. I started to read the vacancy notices more carefully in order to adjust the cover letter and cv to the current vacancy and HR expectations in each case. I´ve made a whole to do list in order to continue my attempts in the more efficient way.


I started to feel more confident about myself and my expertise and skills. I felt less scared to make new contacts and to recover old networks. I started to think that there is nothing impossible if you really want it and make an effort to reach it.

How we worked together

Swiss job market was a total terra incognita for me. The way how some old colleagues managed to get a job there via their network seemed to be inapplicable in my case (or I thought at that moment that it was inapplicable). Munisa explained to me many possible directions to follow and thus lightened up the way there.

I have found out that my problems were quite typical for someone looking for a job in Switzerland. Munisa explained that there were solutions for that. She explained that my profile and experience did have value for the job market, but I had to focus on the certain details and make them more visible.

She also explained how the new technologies used by HR departments filtered the cvs. This was new to me, as in my earlier career I used to apply to jobs in non profit sector where either there was no HR at all or it was used only for big competitions. Though, new life and new job field require new approach.

Munisa shows respect and interest in you and your future from the first moment of contact. Her attitude is very motivating, which leads to the positive changes in the self-esteem of her vis-a-vis. With some examples from her own life and practice she makes you feel that your goals are reachable, you just need to make certain efforts, and she knows how to guide you there.

She is very confident and professional in what she does and says, and she wants everyone to find their place under the sun and to be happy at last!

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